Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

[V718.Ebook] Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

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Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

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Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross

, 30 pages illustrated in colour

  • Sales Rank: #10998968 in Books
  • Published on: 1982
  • Format: Import
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 32 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The most wonderful illustrations; reprint required!
By P. Lamb
If I could bring one book back from the land of "Out of print" this would be it. This was a book I coveted as a child, and was only ever able to read on loan from a library. I was able to purchase a good-condition used copy from Amazon and it has become a treasured book for my children.

The illustrations are a like a lens into a little piece of England, and they are beautiful, clear, and full of hidden detail, so much so I wish I could enlarge some of them. Against these illustrations is matched a beautifully structured story that counterposes place and season together into a simple tale with a satisfying rhythm and conclusion.

To give an idea of the age ranges this is suitable for, my 3 year old loves the illustrations and finds things to enjoy in them, my 5 year old comprehends the story and pores over the details, and I, as an adult, have found myself always willing to accede to the requests to read and re-read it, as it is engaging for adults over an extended period as well, and I find myself studying the hidden puzzles and details too.

I can only endorse the other preceding 5-star reviews. If you have a copy -- keep it. If you can obtain a copy, you won't be disappointed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A Delightful Treasure for anyone with a Child’s Heart
By Robert Volkmann
I absolutely love this book, so much so that I bought an extra copy when mine started to get tattered and another to give to a friend. I especially love the many small details in the pictures. The story is the classical story of the struggle between Summer and Winter that climaxes in the Winter Solstice as the day starts to grow longer and life returns in the Spring.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Fascinating fantasy world of the Trumpets
By W C J
This book has been treasured since we first read it to our small children years ago. The detailed pictures of the land of Trumpets and Grumpets are amazing and fascinating to young and old. Now available only in a soft cover reprint, we bought it for a young friend, and he & his family love it too. Highly recommended.

See all 29 customer reviews...

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[V718.Ebook] Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross Doc

[V718.Ebook] Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross Doc

[V718.Ebook] Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross Doc
[V718.Ebook] Download Ebook Trouble for Trumpets, by Peter Cross Doc

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